Original Article
A Study on Factors Related to Earthquake Preparedness by Family of Non-institutionalized Individuals with Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities
Kaoru Nakagawa1 and Michiyo Yamamoto
This study sought to discern the state of earthquake preparedness by family of noninstitutionalized individuals with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (SMID) and to ascertain factors related to earthquake preparedness. Potential subjects were family members of noninstitutionalized individuals with SMID who resided in the Tokyo area and who were seen by medical facilities in that area. An anonymous questionnaire was self-administered and returned by mail. Responses were received from 116 subjects. Results of analysis yielded the following findings. In terms of their state of earthquake preparedness, a majority of subjects had prepared materially, but fewer than 20% of subjects had made preparations that involved other parties, such as gathering or checking information, participating in disaster preparedness drills, or discussing the response in the event of a disaster. The age of individuals with SMID, the degree of dependence on medical care, the number of sources of disaster preparedness information, perceptions of risk, and perceptions of the effectiveness of preparations were significantly associated factors related to earthquake preparedness.
Keywords: earthquake preparedness, Great East Japan Earthquake, non-institutionalized individuals with severe motor and intellectual disabilities, family
Japanese Journal of Social Welfare, 55(5), 1-12 2015